Twitter Inspiration from Helena Partnerships - Customer Insight
Twitter Gem
I saw a tweet this week which read ‘Hosting a NHF Board member briefing this eve. @LizHatHelena will share our experience of using cust. insight to deliver sustainable services’
It was from the Helena Partnerships who are an award winning social landlord in Merseyside. Of all the posts and tweets I read that day – the sentiment in this one stood out. Basically lets ask the customers – and use what they say to work out how to deliver our services.
What a colossal idea! I am intrigued to read more about what their customers said and what they have done as a result of listening to them and I will be finding out more when the results are put online this week.
Really listening
It got me thinking there are so many ways we can hear our customers but really listening takes time and energy. Finding out how things look from their point of view and what they think we should and could be doing is sometimes a bit scary, what if we don’t like it? What if its completely different to what we were planning to do? What if….we have to throw our plan out and start again?
How exciting! It may take some courage but listening gives us a rich pot of information to work with and also that fabulous relationship building which means we are collaborating with our customers to make an even better plan.
Thankyou Helena Partnerships for that reminder!