We got on the Stage! PDA wins Elevate Award at Fierce Summit

PDA wins for the most global sales


There we are, having an amazing time at the Fierce Summit. Hearing a keynote speech from Steve Uzzell, photographer at National Geographic,  taking part in engaging sessions such as Fierce Generations and the latest in online training delivery, being moved by the passionate speakers for Fierce in Schools and laughing out loud at Susan Scotts’ sparkling presence when, imagine our surprise, the announcement is made that we – People Development Associates – have won the Elevate award for the most Global sales of Fierce Conversations!


... Cut to a mini scuffle as we decide who will go and collect the award and then the brilliant Halley Bock called all three of us up.  Sarah Vogel, Co-Director said "I couldn't be more delighted: it's a massive shot in the arm for us to realise that we have managed this during difficult economic times, by sticking at it, hanging in there, one conversation at a time"


Now the fight begins as to whose mantelpiece it is going to sit on – we will all have to take a turn so it does a tour around the UK to visit our associates!


Lots more photos of our trip to Seattle on our facebook page