Tired of everyone seeking your approval on the smallest of concerns? Or perhaps you enjoy that too much? Maybe you desire more responsibility and decision-making to grow professionally?
Employees want to be challenged and given the responsibility, as well as the opportunity, to succeed. Delegation empowers others and is one of the most underutilized forms of professional development in today’s workplace.
Stop wasting money on employee misunderstandings by having conversations that create open paths for development. This report illustrates the importance of delivering effective communication training to frontline employees.
Fierce Delegation is not about abdication or dumping work onto others. It is a two-way conversation where managers and contributors work together to identify individual strengths, autonomy in tasks, and growth opportunities.
When done properly, it strengthens the execution and leadership muscles of individual contributors, enables project teams to thrive, and permits leaders to stop micromanaging and start contributing where they’re needed most.
You feel a sense of relief and gratitude when you give your team the ability to grow and develop. Ensuring that employees know where they have the power to make decisions creates a clear path for development.
- Identify clear actions so an individual knows exactly where he or she has authority to make decisions
- Provide an employee with a clear upward path of professional development
- Develop leaders within the organization, freeing employees to take on more challenges and responsibilities themselves
- Create a culture so everyone in the organization takes full responsibility for his or her actions
The program works well for high performing, quick moving teams. It provides managers and their reports with the tools to navigate what projects and decisions can be made by the individual, or when check-ins need to take place.
expected outcomes
- Ensure individuals know where they have authority to make decisions and act
- Provide a framework for professional development
- Deepen accountability through clarifying expectations
- Build trust through transparency and open communication
- Give direct reports the opportunity to take on more tasks and distribute them evenly throughout organization
It transforms the traditional delegation view of distributing tasks, to a mechanism for professional development. Defining where people have autonomy to make decisions, and where they don’t, provides a clear pathway for growth.
how do you get delegation training?
From in-person workshops to keynote presentations at corporate events, Delegation training is offered in many different formats. Sometimes the best solution is a combination delivery method. We will help you strategize for that.
My hope is to further embed the principles and concepts of Fierce Conversations in our organization—to help employees develop professionally, and to give project teams the best possible chance of meeting deadlines by effectively accomplishing work through others.
Kelly Paine, Costco