Thinking about a Labyrinth ( not the one with David Bowie in)

So much more than a good read

I have been reading 49 Ways to Write yourself well by Jackee Holder. It is a fascinating book about the science and wisdom of writing and journaling. As well as being packed full of practical exercises, Jackee has taken references and gems from a very broad range of subjects and experts and this has got me thinking about all kinds of things as I read each chapter.


Is a Labyrinth the same as a Maze?

This morning I am on Finger- walking the Labyrinth and it begins with a quote ‘Labyrinths are carefully designed to move you toward clarity or peace or at least a temporary calm’ M Garfield, 2002. Really? This was a surprise to me, I have always found them slightly messy things, even causing anxiety if I think about the mazes I have been stuck in, not knowing which way to turn. But, I discover, a labyrinth and a maze are different things. Labyrinths are designed to flow so that a person following the path can gain mental and spiritual healing.  They slow us down, allowing us to be more calm and moving us towards the centre.


One direction

There is something very appealing about being on a path that has only one direction, no decisions to make, where the speed we take is up to us and that the centre will be reached no matter how fast or slow we go. Where we can take the time to relish the geometry of the path we are taking, feel the ground beneath our feet.


So until I can get to the Wildflower Labyrinth at Tapton Park, the great news is that the benefits can be just as effective when you use your finger to trace a maze, and Jackee has very kindly provided some in her book. They can be used at times when we want that inner peace or to slow ourselves down. I will let you know how the practical exercise goes.


Thankyou, Jackee.